Sunday, September 19, 2010

Go green.

The world population keeps growing. People use more energy, and water, and generate waste products faster than nature can break them down. The environment is very polluted, especially in big cities. This is a price which we pay for progress in civilization. But this progress makes our life comfortable. That is what everybody wants. 
Because of this we need to take care of our planet. We need to go green. 

We can go green by remembering the 3 R's and making them a part of our life. The 3 R's are:

  • recycle: plastic, glass, aluminum cans, paper and cardboard place in the recycle bin, do not throw them into the trash,
  • reduce: energy consumption,
  • reuse: plastic bags.
Others ways to go green are using less water and energy and driving cars that use less gas. By doing this we reduce air pollution and save water what are important. Water resources  are limited. Without water there is no life.
What else can we do for our environment?  We can use energy-efficient appliances, and low-flow toilets, and buy eco products, organic food and hybrid cars.

Somebody said, "Successful green living starts at the grassroots-with you."
This means having the "green" attitude with simple day-to-day tasks. Everyone can make some changes in life which will be not only good for the environment, but also for the pocket as well.
Here are some tips:

  • do not let the water run when you are brushing your teeth,
  • do not run a dishwasher if it is not full, 
  • use energy-efficient light bulbs,
  • drive your car no faster than 100 km/h,
  • walk or ride your bike whenever you can,
  • take public transportation instead of driving your car,
  • write on both sides of your paper,
  • use a lunchbox instead of paper bags,
  • keep the refrigerator door closed. Know what you want before you open the door,
  • try to leave public properties cleaner than you found them,
  • take your own mug to Starbucks or Tim Hortons,
  • always have a reusable bag in your car on in your purse.
It is not very easy to live green but it is manageable. Creating  a safe and beautiful environment should be our goal.